Hi! As my very first blog post ever, I’d like to tell you a little bit about what you can expect to find on this site in future installments. My hope is to bring a little bit of sunshine, a little bit of fun, and a little bit of inspiration.

I will have some craft tutorials. I will have inspirational stories. And I will have many tips for things like saving money, storage, organization, cleaning, gardening, and travel. I have a passion for repurposing too, so I will definitely include some ideas for that as well.

I truly hope to get to know you as we go along. Comments are always welcome, and I will always try my best to respond. Connecting with new people is such an exciting part of starting this blog. It’s what I’m looking forward to the most!

Being new means I’ll probably make lots of mistakes, so I want to apologize for that upfront. But it also means I will have a new perspective. I want to highlight a different point of view on the topics I cover. I will try to come at things from a different angle. And of course I want to hear your point of view too.

There will be times when something tried and true is worth looking at again, or someone else out there has way better ideas than me (probably most of the time, lol). In those instances I will try to provide links to other blogs and websites. In fact I will have links for more information on almost every installment.

Today’s tip is really a wish. I wish for each of you to have a simple and happy life. Start where you are, do what you can, and give yourself a break. It’s been three years since I decided to start a blog, THREE! I could dwell on that, even let it hold me back, but I’m choosing to forgive myself and just take the next step. Until next time…

Welcome to The breezy creek!